Action model
Table of contents
Actions covers surgical procedures and other methods that allows you to track or record from a subject(s). Actions have type-specific fields that are tailored to various action-types. The types of actions currently supported by BrainSTEM are listed further down the page. An action is described by the fields in the next section.
Field | Description |
Type | the type of action (required). See options below |
Description | Description of the action (max length: 500) |
Subject | The subject the action was performed on (required) |
Date and time | Date and time the action was performed (e.g. “2023-03-22”) |
Consumable | Consumable used for the action |
Hardware device | Hardware device used to perform the action |
Brain region | Target brain region where the action was performed |
Coordinates system | Coordinate system (required). See options below |
Type details | There are also a number of type specific fields. See options below |
Types of actions
These are the available Type options for Action:
- Optic fiber implant
- Single wire electrode
- Silicon probe implant
- Tetrode wire electrode
- Virus injection
A detailed list of the type-specific fields, can be found in the action type page.
Below are the available Coordinates system options for Action:
Type | Description |
Stereotaxic Bregma absolute | Stereotaxic coordinates with Bregma as the origin. AP, ML, DV are used as coordinates |
Stereotaxic Bregma brain surface | Stereotaxic coordinates with Bregma as the origin. AP, ML and depth are used as coordinates |
Stereotaxic Lambda absolute | Stereotaxic coordinates with Lambda as the origin. AP, ML, DV are used as coordinates |
Stereotaxic Lampda brain surface | Stereotaxic coordinates with Lambda as the origin. AP, ML and depth are used as coordinates |
Stereotaxic X-Y-Z | Stereotaxic coordinates using the Allen Institutes’s absolute X-Y-Z as coordinates |
Stereotaxic X-Y Surface | Stereotaxic coordinates using the Allen Institutes’s absolute X-Y-Surface depth as coordinates |
A detailed list of the fields in Coordinates system, can be found in the Coordinate system page.
Actions inherit permissions through the subject associated with it.
Visit the [permissions page] to learn more.
Action API access
The API allows for programmable access to actions. Learn more about the actions’ fields and data structure on the Action API page.