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Subject API endpoint

Table of contents

  1. Fields
  2. List view
  3. Add
  4. Detail
  5. Change
  6. Delete


idUUID identificator formatted as a string
namestring [required] [max length: 100]
strainstrain ID formatted as a string [required]
sexstring with “M” (male),”F” (female) or “U” (unknown) [required] [max length: 1]
genetic_linestring [max length: 100]
subject_identifierstring [max length: 100]
sourcestring [max length: 100]
projectslist of related projects IDs formatted as strings [required]
birth_datestring containing date (e.g. “2023-03-22”)
death_datestring containing date (e.g. “2023-03-22”)
extra_fieldslist of JSON dictionaries. See structure below
actionslist of related actions IDs formatted as strings [read-only]
subjectstatechangeslist of related subject state changes IDs formatted as strings [read-only]
name_used_in_repositorystring [max length: 200]
tagslist of strings

extra_fields is a list of JSON dictionaries with two elements, name and value like the example below. The name must start with a letter and can only consist of letters, numbers and underscore. The value can be a string or a numeric value.

    "extra_property": "setting1", 
    "another_property: 22

List view

  • Allowed portals: public, private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('subject')

Response example

{'subjects': [{'id': '0cdaf69d-63cf-429f-b549-fc0cc163d046',
		'name': 'subject1',
		'description': '',
		'strain': 'deec9da3-ee26-4348-954e-484f62c463c8',
		'sex': 'M',
		'genetic_line': '',
		'projects': ['c4b8a90b-2963-4d13-aa07-b6f497252dde'],
		'birth_date': '2023-03-22',
		'death_date': None,
		'extra_fields': [],
		'actions': ['9542eb95-90b3-40c6-9e35-9eef01b3334a'],
		'subjectstatechanges': ['7791fcff-fcee-4c74-bfff-e2b3e4e38481'],
		'tags': [],
		'links': {'projects': 'projects/',
		'actions': 'actions/',
		'subjectstatechanges': 'subjectstatechanges/'}},
	{'id': '0f87c229-6769-4854-83a5-c71e154246b8',
		'name': 'subject2',
		'description': '',
		'strain': '7d056b05-ff2c-4dda-96f5-e34fe4dc3ac4',
		'sex': 'M',
		'genetic_line': '',
		'projects': ['e7475834-7733-48cf-9e3b-f4f2d2d0305a'],
		'birth_date': None,
		'death_date': None,
		'extra_fields': [],
		'actions': ['f79d84c8-6bec-40e3-b18a-5b25e57f4a09',
		'subjectstatechanges': ['3d8ba812-2237-4811-875d-96cfdca66e18'],
		'tags': ['cooling'],
		'links': {'projects': 'projects/',
		'actions': 'actions/',
		'subjectstatechanges': 'subjectstatechanges/'}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: POST
  • URL:
  • Data: JSON dictionary containing at least the required fields.
  • Responses: 201 OK; 400 Bad request; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("subject",  data={
	"name": "NewSubject", 
	"description": "some text", 
	"strain": "deec9da3-ee26-4348-954e-484f62c463c8", 
	"sex": "U", 
	"projects": ["c4b8a90b-2963-4d13-aa07-b6f497252dde"]

Response example

{'subject': {'id': 'b4ae1f92-5260-4605-8d21-25ac5c3fce91',
	'name': 'NewSubject',
	'description': 'some text',
	'strain': 'deec9da3-ee26-4348-954e-484f62c463c8',
	'sex': 'U',
	'genetic_line': '',
	'projects': ['c4b8a90b-2963-4d13-aa07-b6f497252dde'],
	'birth_date': None,
	'death_date': None,
	'extra_fields': None,
	'actions': [],
	'subjectstatechanges': [],
	'tags': [],
	'links': {'projects': 'projects/'}}


  • Allowed portals: public, private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('subject', id='b4ae1f92-5260-4605-8d21-25ac5c3fce91')

Response example

{'subject': {'id': 'b4ae1f92-5260-4605-8d21-25ac5c3fce91',
	'name': 'NewSubject',
	'description': 'some text',
	'strain': 'deec9da3-ee26-4348-954e-484f62c463c8',
	'sex': 'U',
	'genetic_line': '',
	'projects': ['c4b8a90b-2963-4d13-aa07-b6f497252dde'],
	'birth_date': None,
	'death_date': None,
	'extra_fields': {
	    "extra_property": "setting1", 
	    "another_property: 22
	'actions': [],
	'subjectstatechanges': [],
	'tags': [],
	'links': {'projects': 'projects/'}}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: PATCH
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: dictionary containing the fields to be updated
  • Responses: 200 OK; 400 Bad request; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("subject", id="b4ae1f92-5260-4605-8d21-25ac5c3fce91", data={"description": "new text"})

Response example

{'subject': {'id': 'b4ae1f92-5260-4605-8d21-25ac5c3fce91',
    'name': 'NewSubject',
    'description': 'new text',
    'strain': 'deec9da3-ee26-4348-954e-484f62c463c8',
    'sex': 'U',
    'genetic_line': '',
    'projects': ['c4b8a90b-2963-4d13-aa07-b6f497252dde'],
    'birth_date': None,
    'death_date': None,
    'extra_fields': None,
    'actions': [],
    'subjectstatechanges': [],
    'tags': [],
    'links': {'projects': 'projects/'}}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: DELETE
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 204 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.delete_model("subject", id="b4ae1f92-5260-4605-8d21-25ac5c3fce91")