Setup type API endpoint

Table of contents

  1. Fields
  2. List view
  3. Add
  4. Detail
  5. Change
  6. Delete
  7. List approvals
  8. Detail approval
  9. Accept approval
  10. Reject approval


idUUID identificator formatted as a string
namestring [required] [max length: 200]
descriptionstring [max length: 500]

List view

  • Allowed portals: public, private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('setuptype')

Response example

{'setup_types': [
        'id': '531b2a21-ab1f-4aa8-8eaf-905421168d6b',
        'name': 'Barnes maze',
        'description': 'The Barnes maze is a paradigm to study spatial learning and memory. It consists of a circular table with holes around the circumference.'
        'id': '414a49b2-61b5-4ef5-8b64-6528d5f1ed8d',
        'name': 'Theta maze',
        'description': 'A circular maze with a central arm going across the center of the circle.'
        'id': '70b1d2eb-a721-4fef-8e86-0c2b1469283a',
        'name': 'Y-maze',
        'description': 'The Y-maze is, similar to the T-maze, a test to investigate spatial learning and memory. Specifically designed for testing rats or mice.'


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: POST
  • URL:
  • Data: JSON dictionary containing at least the required fields.
  • Responses: 201 OK; 400 Bad request; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Note: Setup Types submissions go through an approval process.

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("setuptype",  data={
        "name": "MyNewSetupType",
        "description": "",

Response example

{'setup_type_approval': {'
    id': '725ef635-09b7-4817-98f7-d58e598b445e',
    'name': 'MyNewSetupType',
    'description': '',
    'comments': ''}


  • Allowed portals: public, private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('setuptype', id='a2510c9e-3ef2-40eb-b4b4-70b8a3fbd3c6')

Response example

{'setup_type': {
    'id': 'a2510c9e-3ef2-40eb-b4b4-70b8a3fbd3c6',
    'name': 'MyNewSetupType',
    'description': ''}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: PATCH
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: dictionary containing the fields to be updated
  • Responses: 200 OK; 400 Bad request; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Note: setuptypes changes go through an approval process.

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("setuptype", id="a2510c9e-3ef2-40eb-b4b4-70b8a3fbd3c6", data={"description": "new text"})

Response example

{'setup_type_approval': {
    'id': '511f5736-5c34-46c5-b4d2-d7bb0727b5fe',
    'name': 'MyNewSetupType',
    'description': 'new text',
    'comments': ''}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: DELETE
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 204 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Note: only administrators can delete Setup Types.

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.delete_model("setuptype", id="a2510c9e-3ef2-40eb-b4b4-70b8a3fbd3c6")

List approvals

  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('setuptypeapproval')

Response example

{'setup_type_approvals': [
        'id': '725ef635-09b7-4817-98f7-d58e598b445e',
        'name': 'MyNewSetupType',
        'description': '',
        'comments': '',
        'instance_id': None,
        'action': 'Add',
        'reviewer': None,
        'status': 'Pending'
        'id': '97b70a5e-52f9-4358-8b27-0a886248e749',
        'name': 'MyNewMaze',
        'description': '',
        'comments': '',
        'instance_id': 'e10ea8ab-9afa-4060-8382-dc9d9e1763f8',
        'action': 'Add',
        'reviewer': 3,
        'status': 'Rejected'

Detail approval

  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('setuptypeapproval', id='725ef635-09b7-4817-98f7-d58e598b445e')

Response example

{'setup_type_approval': {
    'id': '725ef635-09b7-4817-98f7-d58e598b445e',
    'name': 'MyNewSetupType',
    'description': '',
    'comments': '',
    'instance_id': None,
    'action': 'Add',
    'reviewer': None,
    'status': 'Pending'}

Accept approval

  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: PATCH
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("setuptypeapproval", id="725ef635-09b7-4817-98f7-d58e598b445e", options="accept")

Reject approval

  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: PATCH
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("setuptypeapproval", id="511f5736-5c34-46c5-b4d2-d7bb0727b5fe", options="reject")