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Dataset model

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Dataset fields
    1. Epoch fields
    2. Experiment data fields
    3. Manipulation data fields
    4. Behavior data fields
  3. Permissions
    1. Dataset API access


A dataset is a modular construction that flexibly can describe various aspect of experiments based on four basic modules:

  1. Experiment data: Description of the data collected during the experiment
  2. Manipulations: Description of any manipulations performed during an experiment
  3. Behavior: Description of the behavior of the animal subject
  4. Epochs: Temporal aspects of a dataset

Dataset fields

NameName of the dataset (required; string; max length: 100; must be unique across datasets) 
DescriptionA rich text description of the dataset 
ProjectsAny projects the dataset belongs to. Learn more about the project inheritance [here] (required) 
Date and timeDate and time of the onset of the dataset (YYYY-MM-DD string containing date, e.g. “2023-03-22”) 
DatarepositoriesData repositories 
Extra fieldsAllows you to add extra fields to the dataset. The values can be a string or a numeric value 
Download linksJSON dictionaryname value pairs allowing you to add extra content
Name used in repositoryCustom name for a dataset used in an organization in a repository (string; max length: 200) 
TagsTags for the dataset. Tags are great for organizational purpose, to quickly label a dataset and can be used as a filter afterwards 

Epoch fields

NameName of the epoch (required; a string; max length: 100)
StartStart time of the epochs. The start time is relative to the onset of the dataset (the date and time field of the dataset)
EndEnd time of the epochs. The start time is relative to the onset of the dataset (the date and time field of the dataset)
BehaviorBehavior associated with the epoch
Experiment dataExperiment data associated with the epoch
ManipulationA manipulation associated with the epoch

Experiment data fields

Please see the dedicated page describing the [Experiment data model].

Manipulation data fields

Please see the dedicated page describing the [Manipulations data model].

Behavior data fields

Please see the dedicated page describing the [Behavior data model].


The dataset inherits permissions from projects associated with it. Data repositories are shared through the projects groups, and you are only able to add a data repository associated with the same groups as the selected projects. The relationships in modules also depends on the selected projects

Visit the [permissions page] to learn more.

Dataset API access

The API allows for programmable access to datasets. Learn more about the datasets’ fields and data structure on the Dataset API page.