Publication API endpoint

Table of contents

  1. Fields
  2. List view
  3. Add
  4. Detail
  5. Change
  6. Delete


idUUID identificator formatted as a string
titlestring [required] [max length: 200]
authorsstring [required] [max length: 500]
journalrelated journal ID formatted as a string [required]
abstractstring [required]
doistring [max length: 200]
volumestring [max length: 100]
publication_urlstring [max length: 300]
pdf_urlstring [max length: 300]
publication_datestring containing date (e.g. “2023-03-22”) [required]

List view

  • Allowed portals: public, private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('publication')

Response example

{'publications': [
        "id": "9cb4b5ba-b5d9-4bad-9b1e-65b5bdce0746",
        "title": "RTHybrid: A Standardized and Open-Source Real-Time Software Model Library for Experimental Neuroscience",
        "authors": "Amaducci R, Reyes-Sanchez M, Elices I, Rodriguez FB and Varona P",
        "journal": "0a71caa7-c984-47a4-921c-8b18405ee202",
        "abstract": "Short explanation of the paper",
        "doi": "",
        "publication_url": "",
        "pdf_url": "",
        "publication_date": "2020-03-12"
        "id": "8d0e93c1-ffa8-4d7d-a42a-65e1a0d938f6",
        "title": "Cooling of Medial Septum Reveals Theta Phase Lag Coordination of Hippocampal Cell Assemblies",
        "authors": "Peter Christian Petersen, György Buzsáki",
        "journal": "330b41c4-b4a4-4761-8d59-300695fdaf2a",
        "abstract": "Short explanation of the paper",,
        "doi": "",
        "publication_url": "",
        "pdf_url": "",
        "publication_date": "2020-06-10"


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: POST
  • URL:
  • Data: JSON dictionary containing at least the required fields.
  • Responses: 201 OK; 400 Bad request; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("publication",  data=
        "title": "MyNewPaper",
        "authors": "Me et al.",
        "journal": "0a71caa7-c984-47a4-921c-8b18405ee202",
        "abstract": "Short explanation of the paper",
        "doi": "",
        "publication_url": "",
        "pdf_url": "",
        "publication_date": "1970-01-01"

Response example

{'publication': {'id': 'e308cb04-428b-4b2c-b86b-15e02c664560',
  'title': 'MyNewPaper',
  'authors': 'Me et al.',
  'journal': '0a71caa7-c984-47a4-921c-8b18405ee202',
  'abstract': 'Short explanation of the paper',
  'doi': '',
  'publication_url': '',
  'pdf_url': '',
  'publication_date': '1970-01-01'}


  • Allowed portals: public, private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('publication', id='da3359b7-e380-4dc6-ba9d-04831d3082d9')

Response example

{'publication': {'id': 'e308cb04-428b-4b2c-b86b-15e02c664560',
  'title': 'MyNewPaper',
  'authors': 'Me et al.',
  'journal': '0a71caa7-c984-47a4-921c-8b18405ee202',
  'abstract': 'Short explanation of the paper',
  'doi': '',
  'publication_url': '',
  'pdf_url': '',
  'publication_date': '1970-01-01'}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: PATCH
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: dictionary containing the fields to be updated
  • Responses: 200 OK; 400 Bad request; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("publication", id="e308cb04-428b-4b2c-b86b-15e02c664560", data={"abstract": "new text"})

Response example

{'publication': {'id': 'e308cb04-428b-4b2c-b86b-15e02c664560',
  'title': 'MyNewPaper',
  'authors': 'Me et al.2',
  'journal': '0a71caa7-c984-47a4-921c-8b18405ee202',
  'abstract': 'new text',
  'doi': '',
  'publication_url': '',
  'pdf_url': '',
  'publication_date': '1970-01-01'}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: DELETE
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 204 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.delete_model("publication", id="e308cb04-428b-4b2c-b86b-15e02c664560")