Laboratory API endpoint

Table of contents

  1. Fields
  2. List view
  3. Add
  4. Detail
  5. Change
  6. Delete


idUUID identificator formatted as a string
grouprelated group ID formatted as a string [required]
principal_investigatorslist of related principal investigators IDs formatted as strings [required]
descriptionstring [max length: 500]
websitestring [max length: 200]
departmentstring [max length: 100]
institutionstring [required] [max length: 100]
citystring [max length: 100]
countrystring [max length: 100]

List view

  • Allowed portals: public, private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('laboratory')

Response example

{'laboratories': [
        'id': '3362d1da-29e4-4723-b326-1605f390178a',
        'group': 1,
        'principal_investigators': [],
        'description': '',
        'website': '',
        'department': 'Neuroscience Institute',
        'institution': 'NYU',
        'city': 'New York',
        'country': 'United States'
        'id': 'e5dc5bd9-072d-45e4-8b00-2a468a59db8b',
        'group': 8,
        'principal_investigators': [3, 7],
        'description': '',
        'website': '',
        'department': '',
        'institution': 'UAM',
        'city': '',
        'country': 'Spain'


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: POST
  • URL:
  • Data: JSON dictionary containing at least the required fields.
  • Responses: 201 OK; 400 Bad request; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("laboratory",  data={
    'group': 41,
    'principal_investigators': [3],
    'institution': 'A university'}

Response example

{'laboratory': {
    'id': '5d882f8b-5c74-428e-9ed9-41c8780527ff',
    'group': 41,
    'principal_investigators': [3],
    'description': '',
    'website': '',
    'department': '',
    'institution': 'A university',
    'city': '',
    'country': ''}


  • Allowed portals: public, private, super
  • Request method: GET
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 200 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.load_model('laboratory', id='5d882f8b-5c74-428e-9ed9-41c8780527ff')

Response example

{'laboratory': {
    'id': '5d882f8b-5c74-428e-9ed9-41c8780527ff',
    'group': 41,
    'principal_investigators': [3],
    'description': '',
    'website': '',
    'department': '',
    'institution': 'A university',
    'city': '',
    'country': ''}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: PATCH
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: dictionary containing the fields to be updated
  • Responses: 200 OK; 400 Bad request; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.save_model("laboratory", id="5d882f8b-5c74-428e-9ed9-41c8780527ff", data={"description": "new text"})

Response example

{'laboratory': {
    'id': '5d882f8b-5c74-428e-9ed9-41c8780527ff',
    'group': 41,
    'principal_investigators': [3],
    'description': 'new text',
    'website': '',
    'department': '',
    'institution': 'A university',
    'city': '',
    'country': ''}


  • Allowed portals: private, super
  • Request method: DELETE
  • URL:<id>/
  • Data: None
  • Responses: 204 OK; 403 Not allowed; 404 Not found

Use example (using Python API)

resp = client.delete_model("laboratory", id="5d882f8b-5c74-428e-9ed9-41c8780527ff")