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Journals model

Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Fields
  3. Submission process
  4. Permissions
  5. Journals API access


Journals are scholarly publications that serve as the primary means to share scientific findings, methodologies, and analyses with the scientific community. They provide platforms for peer-reviewed research, ensuring that published studies have been critically evaluated by experts in the field for their methodology, accuracy, and contribution to existing knowledge. In BrainSTEM, journals are a shared model across users.


NameThe name of the journal (required)
DescriptionA brief description of the journal’s scope and focus
WebsiteThe official website of the journal

Submission process

Any user can submit new journal entries or propose changes to existing ones. However, all submissions must undergo an approval process before becoming available for use. Please refer to existing entries for examples of appropriate submissions.


Once a journal entry has been approved, it becomes accessible to all users.

Journals API access

The API provides programmable access to journal data, allowing you to read, edit, and delete entries. For more information about the fields and data structure of journal entries, please consult the Journals API page.