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Manipulation types

Various manipulation types are available to modulate neural activity, study brain function, and potentially treat neurological and psychiatric disorders.

Table of contents

  1. Deep brain stimulation (DBS)
  2. Electromagnetic field stimulation
  3. Electrical stimulation
  4. Liquid perturbation
  5. Micro perfusion
  6. Optogenetic stimulation
  7. Pharmacological inhalation
  8. Pharmacological injection
  9. Pharmacological superfusion
  10. Sound stimulation
  11. Thermal perturbation
  12. Transcranial Electrical Stimulation
  13. Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)
  14. Ultrasound stimulation
  15. Manipulation API access

Deep brain stimulation (DBS)

Amplitude (A)Amplitude of the stimulation in Amperes
Duration (s)Duration of the stimulation in seconds
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the stimulation
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the stimulation
Injection polarityPolarity of the stimulation injection
Closed loopWhether the stimulation is closed-loop or not

Electromagnetic field stimulation

Amplitude (V)Amplitude of the stimulation in Volts
DurationDuration of the stimulation
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the stimulation
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the stimulation
Injection polarityPolarity of the stimulation injection
Closed loopWhether the stimulation is closed-loop or not

Electrical stimulation

Amplitude (V)Amplitude of the stimulation in Volts
Duration (s)Duration of the stimulation in seconds
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the stimulation
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the stimulation
Injection polarityPolarity of the stimulation injection
Closed loopWhether the stimulation is closed-loop or not

Liquid perturbation

Liquid agentName or type of the liquid agent used
Concentration (mg/mL)Concentration of the liquid agent in mg/mL
Volume (µL)Volume of the liquid agent in microliters
Perturbation profileProfile of the perturbation (e.g., Bolus Injection)
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the perturbation
Flow rate (µL/min)Flow rate of the liquid agent in µL/min
Closed loopWhether the perturbation is closed-loop or not

Micro perfusion

Liquid agentName or type of the liquid agent used
Concentration (mg/mL)Concentration of the liquid agent in mg/mL
Volume (µL)Volume of the liquid agent in microliters
Perturbation profileProfile of the perturbation (e.g., Bolus Injection)
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the perfusion
Flow rate (µL/min)Flow rate of the liquid agent in µL/min
Closed loopWhether the perfusion is closed-loop or not

Optogenetic stimulation

Power (mW)Power of the light stimulation in milliwatts
Amplitude (A)Amplitude of the stimulation in Amperes
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
Duration (s)Duration of the stimulation in seconds
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the stimulation
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the stimulation
Wavelength (nm)Wavelength of the light in nanometers
Closed loopWhether the stimulation is closed-loop or not

Pharmacological inhalation

Liquid agentName or type of the liquid agent used
Concentration (mg/mL)Concentration of the liquid agent in mg/mL
Flow rate (µL/min)Flow rate of the liquid agent in µL/min
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Bolus Inhalation)
Volume (µL)Volume of the liquid agent in microliters
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the inhalation
AnalgesicWhether the agent is an analgesic
SedativeWhether the agent is a sedative
Closed loopWhether the inhalation is closed-loop or not

Pharmacological injection

Liquid agentName or type of the liquid agent used
Concentration (mg/mL)Concentration of the liquid agent in mg/mL
Volume (µL)Volume of the liquid agent in microliters
Injection profileProfile of the injection (e.g., Bolus Injection)
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the injection
Flow rate (µL/min)Flow rate of the liquid agent in µL/min
Closed loopWhether the injection is closed-loop or not

Pharmacological superfusion

Liquid agentName or type of the liquid agent used
Concentration (mg/mL)Concentration of the liquid agent in mg/mL
Volume (µL)Volume of the liquid agent in microliters
Superfusion profileProfile of the superfusion (e.g., Bolus Injection)
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the superfusion
Flow rate (µL/min)Flow rate of the liquid agent in µL/min
Closed loopWhether the superfusion is closed-loop or not

Sound stimulation

Amplitude (dB)Amplitude of the sound stimulation in decibels
Duration (s)Duration of the stimulation in seconds
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the stimulation
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the stimulation
Closed loopWhether the stimulation is closed-loop or not

Thermal perturbation

Amplitude (°C)Amplitude of the temperature change in degrees Celsius
Duration (s)Duration of the perturbation in seconds
Thermal profileProfile of the thermal perturbation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the perturbation
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the perturbation
Closed loopWhether the perturbation is closed-loop or not

Transcranial Electrical Stimulation

Amplitude (mA)Amplitude of the stimulation in milliamperes
Duration (s)Duration of the stimulation in seconds
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the stimulation
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the stimulation
Injection polarityPolarity of the stimulation injection
Closed loopWhether the stimulation is closed-loop or not

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

Amplitude (mA)Amplitude of the stimulation in milliamperes
Duration (s)Duration of the stimulation in seconds
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the stimulation
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the stimulation
Injection polarityPolarity of the stimulation injection
Closed loopWhether the stimulation is closed-loop or not

Ultrasound stimulation

Amplitude (V)Amplitude of the stimulation in Volts
Duration (s)Duration of the stimulation in seconds
Duty cycleDuty cycle of the stimulation
Stimulation profileProfile of the stimulation (e.g., Amplitude Modulated)
RepetitionsNumber of repetitions of the stimulation
Injection polarityPolarity of the stimulation injection
Closed loopWhether the stimulation is closed-loop or not

Manipulation API access

The API allows for programmable access to Manipulations, enabling you to read, edit, and delete manipulations through the API. Learn more about the manipulations’ fields and data structure on the Manipulation API page.