
Table of contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Module Relations
    1. Consumable Stock Relations
    2. Data Acquisition Relations
    3. Equipment Relations
    4. Manipulation Relations
    5. Procedure Relations
    6. Procedure Log Relations
    7. Subject Log Relations


Relations define which items you can select in one module based on selections made in another module. When you select certain types in a module, the available options in related fields will be automatically filtered to show only relevant choices.

Module Relations

Consumable Stock Relations

Consumable Stock TypeAvailable Comsumable Type
Optic fiberOptic fiber designs
Silicon probeSilicon probe designs
Single wire electrodeSingle wire electrode designs
Virus solutionVirus constructs

Data Acquisition Relations

Data Acquisition TypeAvailable Procedure Type
AudioSilicon probe implant, Tetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode
Behavioral trackingSilicon probe implant, Tetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode
Computed Tomography (CT)Silicon probe implant, Tetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode
Confocal MicroscopySilicon probe implant, Tetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode
Electroencephalography (EEG)Silicon probe implant, Tetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode
Electroneurogram (ENG)Silicon probe implant, Tetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode
Extracellular ElectrophysiologySilicon probe implant, Tetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode
Fiber PhotometryOptic fiber implant
Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI)[Relations to be defined]
Functional Ultrasound Imaging (fUS)[Relations to be defined]
General Time SeriesSilicon probe implant, Tetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode, Optic fiber implant
Intracellular ElectrophysiologyTetrode wire electrode, Single wire electrode
Light Field Microscopy (LFM)Optic fiber implant, Cranial window, Craniectomy, Craniotomy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)[Relations to be defined]
Magnetoencephalography (MEG)[Relations to be defined]
Miniscope MicroscopyOptic fiber implant, Cranial window, Craniectomy, Craniotomy
Positron Emission Tomography (PET)Optic fiber implant, Cranial window, Craniectomy, Craniotomy
Single-Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT)[Relations to be defined]
Single-Photon MicroscopyOptic fiber implant, Cranial window, Craniectomy, Craniotomy
Two-Photon MicroscopyOptic fiber implant, Cranial window, Craniectomy, Craniotomy
Three-Photon MicroscopyOptic fiber implant, Cranial window, Craniectomy, Craniotomy

Equipment Relations

All equipment types have the following relations:

  • Can select from these consumables: Optic fiber designs, Silicon probe designs, Virus constructs, Single wire electrodes
  • Uses External XYZ Absolute coordinates

Manipulation Relations

Manipulation TypeAvailable Procedure Type
Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS)- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Electrical Stimulation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Electromagnetic Field Stimulation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Liquid Perturbation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Microperfusion- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Odor Stimulation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Optogenetic Stimulation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Pharmacological Inhalation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Pharmacological Injection- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Pharmacological Superfusion- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Sound Stimulation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Thermal Perturbation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Transcranial Electrical Stimulation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant
Ultrasound Stimulation- Silicon Probe Implant
- Tetrode Wire Electrode
- Single Wire Electrode
- Optic Fiber Implant

Procedure Relations

Procedure TypeAvailable Consumable Stock TypeAvailable Coordinate System
Brain Lesion- Silicon Probe
- Single Wire Electrode
- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Cranial Window- Silicon Probe
- Single Wire Electrode
- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Craniectomy- Silicon Probe
- Single Wire Electrode
- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Craniotomy- Silicon Probe
- Single Wire Electrode
- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Injection- Silicon Probe- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Optic Fiber Implant- Optic Fiber- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Perfusion Fixation- Silicon Probe
- Single Wire Electrode
- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Silicon Probe Implant- Silicon Probe- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Single Wire Electrode- Single Wire Electrode- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Slice- Silicon Probe
- Single Wire Electrode
- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Tetrode Wire Electrode- Silicon Probe
- Single Wire Electrode
- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute
Virus Injection- Virus Solution- Stereotaxic Bregma Brain Surface
- Stereotaxic Lambda Brain Surface
- Common Coordinate Framework XYZ Absolute
- Stereotaxic Bregma Absolute
- Stereotaxic Lambda Absolute

Procedure Log Relations

Manipulation TypeAvailable Procedure Type
Linear Displacements 

Subject Log Relations

Manipulation TypeAvailable Procedure Type
Food Deprivation Log 
Water Deprivation Log 
Weighing Log