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Taxonomies in BrainSTEM provide standardized vocabularies and classification systems for various aspects of neuroscience research. These taxonomies ensure consistency in naming and categorization across different experiments and research groups. The main categories of taxonomies are:

  • Brain regions atlas: A comprehensive listing of brain regions based on established atlases that provides standardized neuroanatomical references for precise targeting and documentation.

  • Environment types: A classification system for different experimental environments and setups, ensuring consistent categorization of behavioral testing areas and research spaces.

  • Sensory stimulus types: A standardized classification of various sensory stimuli used in experiments, including visual, auditory, tactile, and other modalities for behavioral and physiological studies.

  • Species: A comprehensive catalog of animal species used in neuroscience research, including their biological characteristics and experimental applications.

  • Strains: A detailed listing of genetic variants and breeding lines within species, documenting specific genetic backgrounds and phenotypic characteristics relevant to neuroscience research.