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The Schemas in BrainSTEM define the structure and organization of data for various components of the platform. They ensure consistency and standardization across different types of information. The main schema categories include:

  • Coordinates systems: Defines the structure for representing spatial locations within the brain across different coordinate systems and species.

  • Experiment data types: Specifies the data fields and organization for various types of experimental data, such as electrophysiology, imaging, and behavioral measurements.

  • Manipulation types: Outlines the data fields for various types of experimental manipulations and interventions.

  • Procedure types: Specifies the structure for describing different surgical and experimental procedures.

  • Subject log types: Defines the data organization for tracking subject-related information over time.

  • Action log types: Provides a structured system for recording specific parameters or outcomes related to actions performed during experiments.

  • Consumables types: Outlines the data structure for different types of consumable resources used in experiments.