
BrainSTEM provides comprehensive tutorials to help users get started and make the most of the platform’s features. These step-by-step guides cover everything from basic setup to advanced functionality.

  • Get started!: A beginner’s guide to help new users create accounts, join groups, and create their first project and experiments in BrainSTEM.
  • Share data publicly: Learn how to make your research data publicly available and accessible through BrainSTEM’s public sharing features.
  • Manage Groups: Detailed instructions for creating and managing research groups, including setting permissions and organizing team members.
  • Manage Projects: Guidelines for creating and organizing research projects, including best practices for data organization and collaboration.
  • Matlab API tool: Documentation for using BrainSTEM’s Matlab API tools to programmatically access and manage your research data.
  • Python API tool: Guide to utilizing BrainSTEM’s Python API interface for automated data management and analysis.
  • Submit Resources & Taxonomies: Instructions for contributing to BrainSTEM’s shared resources and taxonomies to enhance the platform’s capabilities.